Adirondack Dance
Staff Bios
Kathy Koester, LCUSA, Artistic Director : BS in Business, Ms. Koester holds her Licentiate in the Cecchetti Method of Dance. She was the Assistant Artistic Director of NCBE for 20 years before opening her own studio and forming Adirondack Dance Company. During her tenue with NCBE, she rehearsed numerous divertissements and corps pieces for NCBE's The Nutcracker along with choreographing pieces for the Spring, directing Spring Shows and starting the Liturgical Dance Troupe. After forming her own company and studio, Ms. Koester focused her attentions on large, different spring productions each year plus performances during the year of the Liturgical Dance Troupe at Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Churchs, and other special events. The Liturgical Dance Troupe was selected twice to attend the United Methodist Church's General Conference in Pittsburgh, PA and Fort Worth Texas. This event is held every 4 years and brings in Clergy and Lay leaders from around the world.
Ms. Koester serves as chair for the Cecchetti USA National Committee and is the CUSA Residential Summer Course Administrator. She recently help host the Cecchetti International Classical Ballet International Competition in Richmond, VA., August, 2014. She has attended CUSA Residential Summer Courses for the past 18 years in Fl, CA, CT, TX, MD, NV & VA. Recently, Ms. Koester was selected as Cecchetti USA's Ambassador to Italy where she attended Danza Italia's summer course and attended the CICB International Ballet Competition in Florence, Italy. She is the only instructor in the area to attend ISTD Cecchetti members Summer Course in Chichester, England. Her students have attended the summer courses for CUSA, plus were accepted in the Cecchetti summer course in England. Students have been accepted in numerous summer programs including Joffrey, Winnepeg, Boston Ballet & National Ballet. Ms. Koester also has successfully entered students in the Cecchetti Teaching Certificate 1 & 2, and is currently working with the teachers on Associate. There are scheduled teacher classes to help the teachers reach their full potential. Ms. Koester has entered students from Primary through and including Grade 9 (Advanced 1) successfully.
She has a specific method of teaching pointe work along with strengthening of the feet to help prevent injuries to the dancer. Cecchetti Exams are offered to eligible dancers when applicable.
Carlee Carrier, TC 2 -CUSA: Carlee has attended Adirondack Dance Academy for 17 years. Carlee has passed her Cecchetti Teaching Certificate (TC) - 2 awarded with merit and is working on her Associate. Carlee passed her Grade 9 exam and is working on Grade 10. Carlee graduated from Plattsburgh SUNY, majoring in Elementary Education & Special Education. Carlee has danced in 16 of Adirondack Dance Company's productions and is a senior Company member. Memorable roles for Carlee was Peaseblossom & Bottom in Midsummer Night's Dream. In The Nightingale's Song, she was the Mechanical Bird, Princess Handmaiden and the Thai Dancer. Carlee danced in Aladdin as the camel and Sapphire. In The Little Humpbacked Horse, she was an Animated Fresco. Recently, she was Carrabosse, the evil Fairy in Sleelping Beauty. In 2019, Carlee was a chaperone for Cecchetti USA Summer Residential Course. She is a member of Adirondack Liturgical Dance Troupe , a member of the National Honor Society for Dance and is an inspiration to all of our dancers.
Justina Lin, TC 1 - CUSA: . She recently passed TC 1 awarded with Merit. Cureently she is working on Grade 9 and TC 2. Justina is a member of the National Honor Society for Dance, a Member of the Adirondack Liturgical Dance Troupe, and has danced in 4 of the past productions of Adirondack Dance Company. Memorable roles she danced is the role of Fairy of the Crystal Fountain and the Gold Fairy in Sleeping Beauty. Justina believes in helping children reach their true potential.
Sophie Kabeli, TC 1 - CUSA: Sophie passed TC 1 awarded with Merit Currently she is working on Grade 10 with hopes of taking it in the spring. Cassie took her TC 2 exam this past spring. She is a member of the National Honor Society for Dance, a Member of Adirondack Liturgical Dance Troupe and a senior Company member of Adirondack Dance Company. In the summer of 2018, Cassie attended the CUSA Residential Summer Course. Cassie has danced in numerous Adirondack Dance Company productions with the latest being The Little Humpbacked Horse where is was the Precious Pearl and Animated Fresco. and the Dove in Hansel & Gretel. Cassie wants to help all children to aspire to being the best dancer they can be.
Lily Denton, TC 1 - CUSA: Lily passed TC 1 and joined the staff of Adirondack Dance last year. She danced in Sleeping Beaity as the Sapphier Fairy and Fairy of the Enchanted Garden in Sleeping Beauty. She wants all younger dancers to know that with hard work, they can overcome obstacles and become great dancers.